Fire Safety Regulations (DIN 14 096)
Object: UNI-Service GmbH Papitzer-Straße 4 03046 Cottbus elaborated: COSMOS-Fire Protection Customer Service, Mr Peter Schmidt, substantive consultation with the CEO The Fire Safety Regulations will come into force with effect from 1.4.2015. Manager: Holger Fast Fire safety regulations DIN 14 096 Part B Object: UNI-Service GmbH Papitzer-Straße 4 03046 Cottbus Structure: 1. Foreword 2. Fire Prevention 3. Fire and smoke spread 4. Escape and evacuation routes 5. Reporting and extinguishing equipment 6. Behavior in case of fire 7. Reporting a fire 8. Seeking shelter 9. Extinguishing attempts 10. Special rules of conduct
- Foreword
The Fire Safety Regulations Part B applies to the object: UNI-Service GmbH Papitzer-Straße 4 03046 Cottbus It is binding on all employees and residents and includes provisions to prevent fire as well as guidance on the right behaviour in case of fire. The specifications made in the Fire Safety Regulations are designed to help the staff and residents, as well as the building or structure, to preserve their furnishings and technical equipment from damage. The provisions of this fire safety regulations must be followed! Each resident at the first time use will be announced Part B of this fire safety regulation in the Internet. About the initial training an expert evidence has to be filed. For residents, the fire safety regulations is part of the lease. The fire safety regulations must be kept up to date. They shall be reviewed at least annually by the fire prevention officer on their timeliness. The fire safety regulations will be in force after confirmation of the management
- Fire Prevention
2.1. Order and Cleanliness Order and cleanliness must be guaranteed as a basic requirement for an effective fire prevention. During nighttime you have to ensure that the light and all electrical appliances which do not have to be constantly ready are switched off, or being operated under supervision. 2.2. No smoking Basically, smoking is prohibited in all buildings. Smokers must use the fixed smoking areas. These are located on the courtyard side 2.3. Dealing with open light and fire Dealing with open light and fire is prohibited in public areas of the condominium. 2.4. Handling flammable substances and waste The storage of combustibles is only permitted in the designated areas. The drying, storing and depositing of combustible materials on radiators is prohibited. Combustible waste must be removed immediately and disposed in the appropriate containers. 2.5. Dealing with electrical appliances Electrical equipment should be installed and used only in accordance with the operating instructions of the manufacturer. During use, all electrical equipment should be supervised and turned off respectively unplugged after use. The preparation and use of additional electric hotplates and heaters is prohibited. The use of immersion heaters is prohibited. Damage to electrical installations as well as indications of this, such as flickering light, malodors of braising electrical parts etc., must be reported immediately to the building services / reception. Damaged electrical devices, including their cables and connectors have to be taken out of service immediately. The ongoing review of portable electrical equipment is carried out in accordance with VDE 0702 “Electrical equipment”. The devices have to be marked permanently. The repetition of the checks have to be performed according to VBG 4 “Electrical Systems and Equipment”. Repairs and modifications on electrical equipment may only be performed by licensed professionals on behalf of the Executive Committee. 2.6. Parking vehicles Private vehicles may only be parked on the designated parking outside. The access roads to the property, as well as the areas for the fire brigade have always to be kept free. Parking in the building is not permitted.
- Fire and smoke spread
The existing fire protection devices which are used to prevent, detect, limit and fighting fires have always to be kept in working order. This includes:
- the smoke doors
- the fire extinguisher,
- the fire alarm system,
- escape routes Lighting
All smoke doors, if not controlled by smoke detectors have always to be kept closed. Self-closing doors may not to be fixed. In case of fire to prevent a rapid spread of fire and smoke, all doors and windows have to be closed In order to combat incipient fires, appropriate hand fire extinguishers for initial fire fighting are located in the corridor areas of the object. Every staff and residents should be familiar with the locations and operation of these portable fire extinguishers. The permanently installed fire alarm system in the building used for fire detection is triggered by smoke detectors. Since the plant is switched to the fire brigade control, the alarm is triggered automatically.
- Escape and evacuation routes
Escape and rescue routes must be kept clear over their full width. Objects may not, not even temporarily parked in them. Doors along escape routes and emergency exits may not be obstructed. Marking of escape routes and other safety and fire protection marks may not be removed or obscured by other objects. The indicator should be checked periodically for completeness and effectiveness.
- Reporting and extinguishing equipment
In the UNI-Service GmbH Cottbus there is a fire alarm system, which is switched by means of a transmission device to the reception center of the regional office “Lausitz” in the fire service. For the manual activation of the fire alarm system there are manual buttons located in the stairwells and hallways Alerting the fire brigade in case of fire shall be done via phone, emergency 112 (regional office “Lausitz” Fire Brigade). When triggering the fire alarm system, the alarm takes place via the automatically controlled siren system. When the the signal system is sounding, leave home immediately and proceed to the gathering place featured in the courtyard. For initial fire fighting use the fire extinguisher as provided The hand fire extinguishers provided for initial fire fighting must be constantly ready for use and may not be misused or damaged. The access to to fire extinguishers and fire alarms may not be obstructed.
- Behaviour in case of fire
In case of fire the following rules of behaviour apply: Report => Alert => Save => quench Whoever discovers a fire must immediately call the fire brigade and to inform the Property Management. In case of fire, calm and prudence are to preserve, to exercise caution and to take care that no additional damage is done. Rash actions can lead to panic! Panic behaviour should be counteracted by prudent and calm demeanor. The preservation and protection of life and health has priority before fighting fire! The instructions of the officer in charge of the fire department must be obeyed immediately.
- Reporting a fire
Every employee and resident who detects a fire is obliged to immediately call the fire brigade (emergency number 112). Then the property manager must be informed immediately. Contents of the report to the fire department
- Where ist the fire? (Adress, building, floor)
- What is burning?
- Are people in danger?
- Name of the reporter!
Attention! Do not hang up the phone immediately, but wait for further questions on the part of the fire brigade control.
- Seeking shelter
After triggering the alarm, the building has to be left using the escape routes to the outside. Persons who can not leave the building independently, must be helped. No one can be left behind! When leaving the premises the doors and the windows have to be closed immediately, in order the escape and rescue routes not to be filled with smoke. During evacuation follow the marked, smokeless escape and rescue routes. In case of blocked escape routes, the persons concerned have to make themselves noticeable at the nearest building opening (window) and wait for help from the fire department. After leaving the building, the gathering place should be consulted. People who are dependent on foreign aid, need to be brought there. Gathering place for all employees and residents is the designated gathering place in the courtyard. The evacuation must be carried out in a way that does not hinder the fire-fighters
- From the gathering point the ambulance transport of the wounded is organized by the emergency physician and the director of operations of the fire brigade.
- Injured or helpless persons must be granted first aid by the appropriate persons.
Principles of first aid:
- Burns, do not touch with your fingers.
- Under no circumstances use any ointments, powders, jellies or oils.
- Do not open blisters (risk of infection).
- Remove clothing only if it does not stick to the skin.
- facial and eye injuries leave unconnected.
First aid:
- • Instant cold water application (put parts of the body in cool water as long until the pain disappears)
- If the injured person is conscious conduct plenty sips of fluid.
- Lay the injured person on its side and keep warm. It should be ensured that there is no direct physical contact with blankets and similar.
- Extinguishing attempts
Electrical equipment which is affected by the fire must be unlocked by the technical staff or the fire prevention officer. Windows and doors must be closed. The fire must be fought with the available fire-fighting equipment. Flammable objects must be removed as far as possible from the danger area of the fire. Hints:
- Better use several fire extinguishers at the same time rather than one by one.
- Put the Fire extinguisher into operation only at the source of the fire.
- In enclosed spaces open door carefully and look for coverage behind the door or the door frame (Danger of darting flames).
- When attempting to quench a fire move in a stooped position (protection against heat and smoke).
- Hold Fire extinguisher vertically and quench the fire source from bottom to top and from front to back.
- Please note the printed application prohibitions on extinguisher (“Only up to 1000 V” and “minimum distance of 1 m”).
Extinguishing attempts may be carried out by the staff and other people only without endangering themselves. Thereby it is important to pay particular attention to safe retreat paths. The initial fire fighting should not be carried out alone if possible The fire brigade is to be instructed in the premises on arrival at the fire .The instructions of the officer in charge are necessarily to be obeyed. The mounted portable fire extinguishers in the hallways of the house with ABC extinguishing powder are suitable for the following purposes: Fire classes according to DIN EN 2: Fire Class A thermally decomposable, solid, glow forming substances (Wood, paper, textiles, plastics, rubber) Fire Class B liquid or materials melting by heat (Gasoline, oil, alcohol, grease, wax) Fire class C gaseous substances, standing often under pressure (Propane, acetylene, town gas, methane, hydrogen)
- Special rules of conduct
In case of fire any unnecessary air supply to the fire must be avoided until the arrival of firefighters. Windows and doors must therefore be kept closed. However, all doors must be open. Responsible: Fire Prevention Officer and Deputy The access to shut-off devices must be kept clear in order to make the systems of the technical object supply inoperative in an emergency. After the firefight the consequential damages have to be kept as small as possible by securing the fire, ventilation and removal of the extinguishing water. Fire areas will be approved by the fire department or criminal investigation. Used fire fighting equipment must be made ready for use immediately or rather replaced by functional extinguishers. Electrical systems and equipment have to be checked by an expert prior to recommissioning. End of Part B
Fire safety regulations DIN 14 096 Part C
Object: UNI-Service GmbH Papitzer-Straße 4 03046 Cottbus Structure. 1. Fire prevention 2. Alerts 3. Safety measures 4. Fire fighting measures 5. Preparations for the deployment of firefighters 6. Follow-up care
- Fire prevention
1.1.Responsibilities and duties of home management The home management is responsible for the safety of their employees and residents in the building as part of the precautionary and preventive fire protection. In this responsibility, it is taking the necessary fire safety measures. These include in particular measures which are necessary for fire-fighting and evacuation of mentioned persons. The House leadership has demonstrably to appoint a fire prevention officer and a deputy. However, the appointment of fire prevention officers does not release from the responsibility. Fire Prevention Officer: Mr. Suckert Deputy: Mr. Fast The House leadership has to ensure that:
- their subordinates know the rules on general fire safety,
- their subordinates are taught regularly about the fire safety regulations and the specific local conditions in fire protection .
- The parts A and B of the fire prevention regulations must be explained separately. The instruction must be repeated annually and on recorded.
The subordinated persons of the House Leadership with responsibility contribute in their functional areas are responsible for the safety of their subordinate staff and residents. They are therefore particularly committed to monitoring compliance with the obligations for the regular operator training. 1.2. Tasks of the fire prevention officer and his representative For the object UNI-Service GmbH Papitzer-Straße 4 03046 Cottbus following persons were appointed Fire Prevention Officer: Mr. Suckert Representatives: Mr. Fast The fire protection officer has the right to directly call on the director in terms of fire protection. In the absence of the fire prevention officer whose duties are taken over by the designated representative.
- Alerts
At the outbreak of a fire, proceed as follows: Who Detects a fire, has to alert the fire brigade control immediately using emergency call 112.
- Safety measures
For the event of a fire in the building following security measures shall be adopted: 3.1. By the house management or its incumbent deputy:
- The evacuation of the building will be conducted
- The ambulance of wounded from the gathering place will be organized.
3.2. The fire prevention officers, or employees accordingly instructed have to:
- unlock electrical equipment affected by fire,
- Take measures to initiate initial fire fighting.
- Fire fighting measures
The home management is responsible for the provision of the necessary material resources to conduct extinguishing tests.
- Preparations for the deployment of firefighters
The fire commissioner or his representative shall ensure that
- the fire and its surroundings as well as the areas for firefighters and fire-fighting water supply points are easily accessible.
- the officer in charge of the fire brigade shall be informed about details of the incident and the affected premises and the keys should be handed over for locked doors, if they are not integrated into a central locking system
- Follow-up care
The House leadership has to take measures to secure the fire:
- Restore the operational readiness of the fire protection equipment
- That the electrical installations affected by the fire are checked by an expert respectively the installations under safeguards are checked by an expert before recommissioning.
End of Part C